5 Essential Steps to Start a Natural Skin Care BRAND
If you’re just starting your natural skin care brand or struggling to find your skin care niche so you can grow your business, then read this!
1. Create your skin care products and be different!
Either formulate, test and produce your own products or outsource to another company to provide your skin care products. Once that has been completed, you want to niche down to stand out. First, determine a signature ingredient or technique, to define your business and make you stand out. In the business and branding world, this is called your unique selling point. If you have a deep love of formulating, or you want to incorporate your heritage into your business or products, then this is a perfect way to stand out and become the more attractive option for your customers. Please do not try to be the generic option, you need something to set you apart from others. Allow your beautiful creative genius to flourish. Remember, “Organic” or “natural skin care” or is not a niche. Perhaps you only offer products which produce a certain result, use only Australian ingredients grown in a certain region or maybe you offer only treatments for women pregnant with twins living in Far North Queensland.
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2. Discover your ideal, dream customers.
This is so critical in any business. When you can hone your message, your potential customers will feel as though you are speaking directly to them. This alone can generate an abundance of loyally and trust with your customers. Can you pin point where they live, what they like, how old they are, what events they attend, what food they eat… to get a clear idea of your ideal, dream customers. Discovering what they don’t like will help you understand your ideal client on a deeper level. To give you an example, you might find yourself saying things like: my ideal customers don’t like eating at McDonald’s, my ideal customers don’t like weight gyms and love yoga studios and wellness centers, my ideal customers don’t enjoy days at the beach in the hot sun, they enjoy fresh water creeks under shady trees.
3. Create your brand!
A brand is an association that your clients or customers have about your business or product. This can be communicated through your logo, colours, packaging, website, shop front, your values and more. The collaboration of all these assets allows your brand to speak to your potential customers. Every branding choice needs to speak directly to your ideal, dream customers, so make sure each choice is focused on connecting with them. If you need brand strategy and identity design, contact us here. Ultimately you will need a brand strategy, colours, fonts, a website and packaging design.
4. Packaging
The visual appeal will be a critical aspect of your branding. Ensure your packaging and labels embody your brand and express your ethos to your ideal, dream customers. Think about these essential aspects and decide what is more important to you and your business: environmental values, the weight of the product (for shipping), waterproofing, tamper proof, do the containers of all your products match? Having cheap bottles and labels will likely encourage your ideal customers to look at alternatives. My biggest tip would be to go for a glass bottle and work with your designer to produce a minimalist style labels with less application to produce a lower cost per item.
5. Launch! Make noise.
This is your time to buckle up and discard impostor syndrome. You must create an attractive offer e.g. free shipping, run a competition, create a launch event, give a free gift on purchase, discount code of 30% off etc and then tell everyone! Use your social media to share your new business, use mailing lists, use Facebook groups and so on. This is not the time to relax after all your hard work building your business, this is the time to shout it from the rooftops. Don’t forget, people need you and your business!
To get your branding right, we recommend a branding studio which specialises in health and wellness brands. Contact us here to find out more.