Instant street credit with strong business names.

There are approximately 582 million entrepreneurs in the world ranging from small to giant businesses. How the h*ck am I going to stand out?! Is what you might be thinking when faced with your business name brainstorm session. I personally know the struggle and hurdles that you face when deciding on a new business name. I want to give you information and then some serious actionable steps, so you don’t face the same mistakes I made. I know you’re busy so, long story short – I created all my branding assets BEFORE I registered my business name and domain name. Rooke mistake. It meant I had to make a decision that changed the course of my brand. Here are my tips to get your going on the right path my friend.

Here are my 3 tips for instant street cred:

Step 1

Explore all options
Think about your target market and use connotations that your target market will use when finding services or products like yours.

For example, I chose “branding” as a key word in my business name as I am a brand strategist. This type of business name is called descriptive. There are also local descriptive business names like Sprake Real Estate and Boston Accounting. These names are smart to use as they show up high in search engines.

There are 7 categories of business names. Each with there own strengths. Choose 4 categories that align with your brand.

  1. Descriptive (Sprake Real Estate, Boston Accounting)

  2. Suggestive (UBER, Ray-Ban, Pinterest)

  3. Abstract (Rolex, Kodak)

  4. Eponymous (Walt Disney, Facundo Bacardi, Thomas Lipton)

  5. Acronymic (KFC, BP)

  6. Associative (Amazon, Red Bull)

  7. Non-English (Lego)

Tip 2

The best brand names evoke an emotional response
People buy and connect to businesses through emotion not logic. Strong brands communicate a story and a true personality. Choose a name which inspires action. This will pave your way to a strong consumer following. Famous examples are Nike, Google and GoPro.

Tip 3

The best ideas come from over 100 trials. Make 4 lists split into categories. 1 descriptive, 1 Associative, 1 Suggestive and 1 Eponymous. Fill each list with 25, perhaps you will find your ideal name by combining 2 of your strongest ideas.

Now that you have made some progress and discovered amazing names, it’s time to check that your name is actually available before you start getting too excited! This means checking resources like a domain name checker and of course registering for an ABN and an Australian Business name with ASIC.

It costs $37 for 1 year or $87 for 3 years to register an Australian business name with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC). You must have an ABN to register for a business name.


If you need direction Solutionist Branding is a specialised branding studio. Give us an hour of your time and will give you what you need. Book a free consultation to get started.

All the best.
Marta Hackett

Published 17/03/21

To get your branding right, we recommend a branding studio which specialises in health and wellness brands. Contact us here to find out more.

Marta Hackett

I help founders to create iconic brands and magnetic websites to attract ideal clients and increase revenue.

Sexy Signage.


Websites Empower Your Brand.